Feedback & Editing (Pt 2) : Case Study Examples from my Debut Novel

In this post I’d like to share some experience of my beta read process – some examples of the feedback I received and what I did to address it. | Read more…

Feedback & Editing (Pt 1) : Some Thoughts on Process

Editing is difficult because it involves change. While self-editing can be relatively painless, integrating external feedback into your edits can be excruciating.  There’s lots of advice out there saying you should get feedback, but less about what to do when you get it. I’m certainly no expert, but here’s my take on | Read more…

Preparing for Camp NaNoWriMo – 5 days to go

My main goal for Camp NaNoWriMo is to spend at least 50 hours editing my novel, Mime. I currently have an incomplete rough draft of 70,000 words. Now I say edit, but a more accurate term might be revise, more accurate still might be re-write but let’s stick with revise. | Read more…