Microfiction: Independent

As I entered the polling station and handed my card to the lady at the desk, I still didn’t know how I would vote. Nothing I’d heard in the run up to the election made me want to vote for any of the parties. I did feel quite strongly about voting | Read more…

Every Superman needs his Kryptonite

When I review a book I like to think about what I can learn from it. A few weeks ago I reviewed Crimes Against Magic by Steve McHugh, and it got me thinking about the pitfalls of making your hero too powerful. Nate Garrett, centuries old sorcerer assassin is a | Read more…

NaNoWriMo 2011 – Update and excerpt from “Mime”

“How’s NaNoWriMo going Chrissey?” “Don’t ask.” As NaNoWriMo draws to an end I find myself only just creeping over 15,000 words. It has not been the avalanche of creativity that I was hoping for. I would like to blame external influences and distractions, and that would be partially true, but | Read more…