Microfiction: Berries

“Mummy, I picked some berries.” She kept her eyes glued to her phone screen as she tapped out a message. “That’s nice. Make sure you share them with your sister.” “Okay.” When she found them later, their lips and fingers stained deep purple, eyes glazed, she would think, what message? | Read more…

Story Cards – Microfiction on a Postcard!

Over on The Great Escape we tried an experiment on National Flash Fiction Day. We happened to be at Cardiff Comic Expo on the day, so I asked the guests there to challenge me to write them a story. I got several different prompts which inspired some weird and wacky | Read more…

What Makes Good Flash Fiction? 5 recommendations for writing short pieces

I’ve been having a think about what makes a good piece of flash fiction, and while I don’t think I can say it any better than David Gaffney does in this article – Stories in your pocket: how to write flash fiction (which came out just before the very first National | Read more…

Microfiction: The Pheasant Who Stared at the Sun

Judd Henderson took his normal morning walk at eleven o’clock. He liked the spring. The scent of cut grass, all but forgotten over the winter, heralded the arrival of warmer weather. The park to the left of his usual route had grown wild with tall grass and a smattering of | Read more…

Microfiction: Discovering Elvis

Mr Aberforth pulled the potato from the ground and brushed off the dirt. He threw it into the bucket with the others, but, as it flew through the air, something about it caught his eye. A strange surge of excitement set his stomach fluttering. He wiped his palms on his | Read more…

Microfiction: House Mouse

The food was at the back of a small, white box. Mushkin put her foot on the smooth surface and tested it. Nothing bad happened. She sniffed and felt with her whiskers. Strange smells mixed with the tempting aroma of wheat but none that she recognised as dangerous. She stretched | Read more…

Creative Writing Promps

Ideas are not something I usually struggle with, but sometimes I like to challenge myself to write something based on a prompt purely because it wasn’t my idea. I’ve found in the past that some of the stories I have created through trying to find a story within a prompt | Read more…