Clevedon LitFest – What’s on

This year, I’ve been heavily involved in the organisation of Clevedon LitFest as part of the programming committee. As the festival approaches, here’s a run down of the events we’ve got going on for our June 2024 festival. To get tickets for any of these events, visit Wednesday 5th | Read more…

Highlights of Newark Book Festival

After a frustrating eighteen months of cancellations and postponements due to the pandemic, events are finally starting up again. Back in June, I took part in the inaugural Clevedon Literary Festival in my home town, and earlier this month, I travelled up North for the Newark Book Festival.  

2021 saw the fourth year of this festival. For a festival with a fairly local focus, the organisation and communication were outstanding; it felt like a much bigger and more professional event like the Hay Festival.  | Read more…

Spring News – What have I been up to?

It has been an age since I did a personal update, so this could be a long one.  Mime – Releases 28th June[UPDATE – new release date is 28th July] 2019 was a big year for me. I finished my debut novel, Mime.   I. Finished. A novel.   That’s big! Huge!  | Read more…

North Bristol Writers Present “Tales from the Graveyard”

Earlier this year, having been unscrupulously recruited into producing a story for their second anthology “The Dark Half of the Year”, I moved from the tentative fringe to being a fully fledged member of North Bristol Writers. It’s a very dynamic and proactive group; rather than simply focusing on writing | Read more…