Microfiction: Berries

“Mummy, I picked some berries.” She kept her eyes glued to her phone screen as she tapped out a message. “That’s nice. Make sure you share them with your sister.” “Okay.” When she found them later, their lips and fingers stained deep purple, eyes glazed, she would think, what message? | Read more…

The Glass Demon by Helen Grant – Review

The Glass Demon by Helen Grant Lin Fox is dragged away from her life in England by her family. Her father is obsessed with finding the mysterious Allerheiligen Glass – medieval stained glass windows thought lost for centuries – and moves them to a remote part of Germany. His initial | Read more…

NaNoWriMo 2011

A few weeks ago I wrote a post on scheduling creativity where I described a little about my failure to complete Camp NaNoWriMo in August. Now it’s November and I’m trying again with the original and best NaNoWriMo. Whilst my project in the summer was an unplanned idea which I | Read more…