There’s a supernatural serial killer on the loose… Elliot Cross didn’t believe in monsters. At least, not until his brother died at the hands of something unnatural. Four years later and a string of impossible deaths leave the police baffled. Consumed by a desire to shine a journalistic light on | Read more...
A TIME TRAVEL ROMANCE NOVELETTE It’s 2012. According to the Mayans the world is about to end… they might be right. When local science reporter Ruth Anders attends a press conference for the Kepler project, she knows it’s going to be a memorable experience but she never expects to be | Read more...
Welcome to the Graveyard—Where the worlds of the living and the dead overlap. North Bristol Writers present a third anthology of 16 enthralling tales. A boy encounters a mysterious groundskeeper; two students unearth an ancient terror; and in the wilds of Africa, a hunter stumbles into danger. Corpses rise, creatures | Read more...
It’s two thirds of the way through April and Camp NaNoWriMo and I’m slightly behind on my targets. Although I’m not technically behind on average, I have less time to write over the next week and a half, so hitting my 60,000 word goal is going to be a stretch. | Read more…
Tomorrow I start the mammoth task of turning my 70,000 word manuscript into a finished novel. I may not finish in the month of April, but I plan to put a shed load of work in. 60hrs or more. I had a little personal celebration moment today and indulged my | Read more…
My main goal for Camp NaNoWriMo is to spend at least 50 hours editing my novel, Mime. I currently have an incomplete rough draft of 70,000 words. Now I say edit, but a more accurate term might be revise, more accurate still might be re-write but let’s stick with revise. | Read more…
There’s less than 1 week until writing starts at Camp NaNoWriMo! My challenge during April 50 hours of editing time on my novel, Mime 10k words of new material in the form of short stories, to include… 30 pieces of micro fiction That’s a whole lot of work but I | Read more…
I recently started writing a book review and found myself thinking that I have no idea whether I am doing it “right?” What makes a good book review? What elements are essential? Is there a specific structure I should be following? I realised that I’d never studied the matter and | Read more…
As writers, it’s easy to slip into being isolated. To working within your own little bubble. Attending classes and seminars are a great way to remind yourself you’re part of a huge community and there is always something new to learn, new ways to explore writing. For instance, next week | Read more…
With only 14 days till the start of Camp NaNoWriMo (April 2015) I’m going to spend a little time each day preparing. Today’s task… tidy my desk. Yeah, I should point out my “office” currently shares one half of my bedroom with The Great Escape prop store. I unburied it… | Read more…
There are few occasions when the news that someone you have never met has passed away affects you almost as strongly as learning about the death of a loved one. Today, Sir Terry Pratchett, beloved, world rebound author of fantasy and humour, lost his battle with Alzheimers disease. When I | Read more…
This month I want to let the words flow, and find my way back to the swift flowing river and out of the stagnant creek up which I have floundered. *Blows cobwebs out of wordpress* Back in the summer of 2010, I started writing my first, still unfinished novel. In | Read more…
An adventure full of the stuff nightmares are made of. Infamous Reign fills in another chapter from the past of Nathaniel Garrett, hero of McHugh’s Hellequin Chronicles which so far include novels Crimes against Magic and Born of Hatred. While the novels are principally set in the present day, the | Read more…
“I can’t die.” Even before I say it I know you’ll never believe me, but it’s true. “I can prove it.” I turn the knife over in my hand and watch your eyes slant towards the door behind me. You know you can’t get past me, which is why you | Read more...
Between the pale green, silver-spined fronds, round stems probe the air with tiny explorers at their tips. It’s pointless. The plant sits on top of a filing cabinet in an executive office on the fifth floor of a concrete box, yet it dangles its babies over the carpet in a | Read more...
The food was at the back of a small, white box. Mushkin put her foot on the smooth surface and tested it. Nothing bad happened. She sniffed and felt with her whiskers. Strange smells mixed with the tempting aroma of wheat but none that she recognised as dangerous. She stretched | Read more...