Spring News – What have I been up to?

It has been an age since I did a personal update, so this could be a long one.  Mime – Releases 28th June[UPDATE – new release date is 28th July] 2019 was a big year for me. I finished my debut novel, Mime.   I. Finished. A novel.   That’s big! Huge!  | Read more…

North Bristol Writers Present “Tales from the Graveyard”

Earlier this year, having been unscrupulously recruited into producing a story for their second anthology “The Dark Half of the Year”, I moved from the tentative fringe to being a fully fledged member of North Bristol Writers. It’s a very dynamic and proactive group; rather than simply focusing on writing | Read more…

EU Referendum – Don’t Vote Leave in Anger

I am not an expert on the UK-EU relationship. I don’t know whether we would be better of in or out in the long run. Most of the “facts” being bandied about are estimates, misrepresentations or vague guesses which makes it hard to know what to believe. There are both | Read more…

Can We Please All Stop Demonising Copyright?

Twitter went crazy today with artists, writers, musicians and other creatives reacting against the Green Party policy on copyright. **Warning, this blog post may contain political opinion** Copyright is a strange beast. For many people, it’s an inconvenience standing between them and content they would like to access, copy or | Read more…

Memories of Terry Pratchett

There are few occasions when the news that someone you have never met has passed away affects you almost as strongly as learning about the death of a loved one. Today, Sir Terry Pratchett, beloved, world rebound author of fantasy and humour, lost his battle with Alzheimers disease. When I | Read more…

General update and “coming soon”

Along with the rest of Britain, I’ve had a bit of a dry spell recently. A blogging dry spell at least. Hopefully the two aren’t linked and it won’t start raining as a result of me posting an update. This is a bit of a general update and “what’s coming | Read more…

Great Escapes | Volume 1 launches at Cardiff Comic Expo

The last two months have been a crazy rush to get Great Escapes, Volume 1 edited and printed, hence the reason this blog has been somewhat neglected. But, the hard work is nearly over; the book is here! There are a few technical niggles to iron out with the eBook | Read more…