10 Books That Influenced Me As A Writer

As I gear up for the Kickstarter and launch for Mime, I find myself reflecting on how I got to where I am – a debut novelist with a book about to be published. Here are 10 books that have shaped my writing journey, from my early teens to now. | Read more…

10 Ways to Promote your Book for Free (or nearly free)

So you’ve written and published a book, now you need to find some people to read it. You might think you need a marketing budget, but while paid ads are often successful, there’s loads of things you can do at no cost at all! 1. Write more books The single | Read more…

A Writing Retreat Adventure with MeddwlCoed

At the end of February, I attended my first ever writers’ retreat. I joined six other writers in a large house on the edge of the Brecon Beacons for three days of intensive writing and discussion.   The organisers of the event were Jo and Roz from MeddwlCoed. A couple of years | Read more…

Spring News – What have I been up to?

It has been an age since I did a personal update, so this could be a long one.  Mime – Releases 28th June[UPDATE – new release date is 28th July] 2019 was a big year for me. I finished my debut novel, Mime.   I. Finished. A novel.   That’s big! Huge!  | Read more…

Feedback & Editing (Pt 2) : Case Study Examples from my Debut Novel

In this post I’d like to share some experience of my beta read process – some examples of the feedback I received and what I did to address it. | Read more…

Feedback & Editing (Pt 1) : Some Thoughts on Process

Editing is difficult because it involves change. While self-editing can be relatively painless, integrating external feedback into your edits can be excruciating.  There’s lots of advice out there saying you should get feedback, but less about what to do when you get it. I’m certainly no expert, but here’s my take on | Read more…

An Indesign TOC hack

Creating an ePub Navigation TOC when you don’t have chapter headers to use If you make your eBooks with Indesign, you’ll know the Table Of Contents tool is super handy, except for when your chapters don’t have headers. This might be the case if you want to include a rasterised | Read more…

Evolution of a Scene

I’m in the process of working through my line editor’s comments on Mime and I thought I’d share a little glimpse into the evolution of one of my scenes. We join Elliot, armed with a fire extinguisher, in the middle of a very improvised rescue… 1st Draft White fog erupted | Read more…

Gravewatcher (PREVIEW)

My (long) short story Gravewatcher appears in the newly released Tales from The Graveyard from North Bristol Writers. Here’s a sample from the opening. Carina watched from the cemetery gate. Her new arrival tried to shove the gardener’s shoulder, passed straight through, and stumbled to his knees. Those who died | Read more…